A boutique-like company that is passionate about reporting automation and data analytics innovation. PAL is specialized in the Beeline market due to our expert familiarity with the internal data model that David Pesante co-designed 15 years ago. We want to partner with clients that are looking to combine their VMS data with their own custom non-VMS data and build tailored solutions that provide the additional insight they seek. We bring value by automating and streamlining existing reporting processes (e.g. VMS Adhoc Reports, RPA) or building custom analytics solutions (Power BI, Spotfire, Qlik Sense, etc.) that are tailored to the client’s needs.

Making the most of the benefits of the cloud requires planning and design; in addition to personnel with preparation and knowledge in specific tools. We can design your cloud infrastructure, and help you build a migration plan and give you sound advice on what you should postpone migrating and why. We also provide a blueprint of how best to get there. We support the following arrangements:

  • IaaS – Infrastructure as a service

  • PaaS – Platform as a service

  • SaaS – Software as a service

To achieve the most complete and safe environment for:

  • Virtualization

  • Data Bases

  • Applications

  • Streaming Analytics

  • Business Intelligence